Arif Asgarov


Arif Asgarov Regional business development manager

My international experience in tourism allows me to develop the largest tourism portal in Frisaga.

Male Azerbaijani

I am Arif Asgarov, I was born in Baku in 1982. I received my higher education at the Academy of Labor and Social Relations. After graduating from the academy, I started my career in the tourism industry in 2003. My first experience was with OTI Holding / Odeon Tours, one of the largest tour companies in Turkey. In order to increase my experience and achieve my goals and enrich my knowledge in this field, I worked in Antalya/Turkey in 2004-2005 and then in Hurghada/Egypt in various positions, then in 2016-2017 I gained experience as a Regional Director in Kos/Greece. Currently, I continue to gain international experience and at the same time I started working in Frisaga, the largest tourism company from 2023.

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