Located in the Guba-Khachmaz tourism zone, the eastern side of the district, which is mainly surrounded by forest, is the Caspian coast. Among the mountain regions of Azerbaijan, the closest to the capital is Khizi. The climate is mild, the air is dry.

14 Mar / 02:57 PM Current Time

  • Azerbaijan
  • Khizi
  • 1600 PERSON
  • 1850.00 km2
  • Azerbaijani
  • Manat
Azerbaijan | Khizi | View on map

The main part of the district is surrounded by forest, and the eastern side of the district is located on the Caspian coast. The exposure of different layers of geological rocks on the hills creates a colorful landscape. A similar geological event can be observed on Earth only in Death Valley, USA.

Altiagach National Park operates in the region. The region has developed eco and ecotourism.

A large part of its territory is covered with forest. The Beshbarmag rock, one of the most wonderfully shaped natural monuments created by nature, is located in the territory of the Khizi region. The unusual rock, which is reminiscent of stretched hand, fascinated travelers from afar. The name of this mountain "Beshbarmag"(Five fingers) is related to this.

One of the most scenic roads of the region leads from the 40th kilometer of the Baku-Guba road to Altiaghac. While walking along this road, you will come across not very high but beautiful mountains painted in red, orange, dark brown, and pink colors. These mountains are the famous Khizi Mountains in Azerbaijan. The reason for the appearance of these fascinating colors is the oxidation of iron in the rocks under the influence of groundwater. Join the hiking tours organized by tourism companies in Baku in autumn and spring and go out to visit these places. Look carefully under your feet: here you will find small fossils from the Cretaceous period and perhaps belemnites. The mountains are also called "sugar mountains". The same type of mountains can be found in Peru and China.

The territory of the Altiagac settlement is distinguished by its tourism potential. It is an ideal place for a weekend break. There are also opportunities for the development of ecological tourism here. In summer, many people suffering from asthma come here just to get fresh air. This is a wonderful place to enjoy nature and relax. Enthusiasts of pedestrian tourism can also make tourist trips to Shamakhi and Meraza from here.

There is a shrine dating back to the 15th century in the village of Khalanc, located 4 km from the district center. This sanctuary in the area of the ancient cemetery is called "Agh pir". Nearby, the 19th-century "Agh Deyirman(White Mill)" is on the list of local historical monuments of Khizi. Khalifa Suleyman pir is located in Aghdara village. The 17th-18th century church bell in the Altiaghac settlement and the 19th-century mill on the bank of Atah River in Khalanc village are interesting places for tourists.

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